Memento Pattern
The Memento pattern allows an object to capture its internal state and store it externally, without violating encapsulation. It provides the ability to restore the object’s state to a previous state.
struct TextEditor { text: String, cursor_position: usize, undo_stack: Vec<TextEditorMemento>, } impl TextEditor { fn new() -> Self { TextEditor { text: String::new(), cursor_position: 0, undo_stack: Vec::new(), } } fn insert_text(&mut self, text: &str) { self.text.insert_str(self.cursor_position, text); self.cursor_position += text.len(); } fn move_cursor_left(&mut self) { if self.cursor_position > 0 { self.cursor_position -= 1; } } fn move_cursor_right(&mut self) { if self.cursor_position < self.text.len() { self.cursor_position += 1; } } fn undo(&mut self) { if let Some(memento) = self.undo_stack.pop() { self.text = memento.text; self.cursor_position = memento.cursor_position; } } fn save_undo_state(&mut self) { let memento = TextEditorMemento { text: self.text.clone(), cursor_position: self.cursor_position, }; self.undo_stack.push(memento); } fn display(&self) { println!("Text: {}", self.text); println!( "Cursor Position: {}", " ".repeat(self.cursor_position) + "^" ); } } struct TextEditorMemento { text: String, cursor_position: usize, } fn main() { let mut editor = TextEditor::new(); editor.insert_text("Hello"); editor.display(); // Text: Hello, Cursor Position: ^ editor.save_undo_state(); editor.insert_text(" World"); editor.display(); // Text: Hello World, Cursor Position: ^ editor.save_undo_state(); editor.move_cursor_left(); editor.display(); // Text: Hello World, Cursor Position: ^ editor.undo(); editor.display(); // Text: Hello World, Cursor Position: ^ editor.undo(); editor.display(); // Text: Hello, Cursor Position: ^ }