Visitor Pattern
Separates the algorithm from the objects it operates on, allowing new operations to be added to the object structure without modifying the objects themselves.
// Node trait representing a node in the tree trait Node { fn accept(&self, visitor: &mut dyn Visitor); } // Leaf node in the tree struct LeafNode { value: i32, } impl Node for LeafNode { fn accept(&self, visitor: &mut dyn Visitor) { visitor.visit_leaf_node(self); } } // Composite node in the tree struct CompositeNode { children: Vec<Box<dyn Node>>, } impl Node for CompositeNode { fn accept(&self, visitor: &mut dyn Visitor) { visitor.visit_composite_node(self); } } // Visitor trait defining the operations to be performed on nodes trait Visitor { fn visit_leaf_node(&mut self, node: &LeafNode); fn visit_composite_node(&mut self, node: &CompositeNode); } // Concrete visitor implementation struct SumVisitor { sum: i32, } impl SumVisitor { fn new() -> Self { SumVisitor { sum: 0 } } } impl Visitor for SumVisitor { fn visit_leaf_node(&mut self, node: &LeafNode) { self.sum += node.value; } fn visit_composite_node(&mut self, node: &CompositeNode) { for child in &node.children { child.accept(self); } } } fn main() { // Create the tree structure let leaf1 = Box::new(LeafNode { value: 5 }); let leaf2 = Box::new(LeafNode { value: 10 }); let composite1 = Box::new(CompositeNode { children: vec![leaf1, leaf2], }); let leaf3 = Box::new(LeafNode { value: 15 }); let leaf4 = Box::new(LeafNode { value: 20 }); let composite2 = Box::new(CompositeNode { children: vec![leaf3, leaf4], }); let root = Box::new(CompositeNode { children: vec![composite1, composite2], }); // Create the visitor and perform the operations on the tree let mut sum_visitor = SumVisitor::new(); root.accept(&mut sum_visitor); println!("Sum of all leaf node values: {}", sum_visitor.sum); }