Observer Pattern
Allows objects to subscribe and receive updates from a subject when its state changes, enabling loose coupling between the subject and observers
use std::cell::RefCell; use std::rc::{Rc, Weak}; // Subject or Publisher struct Marketplace { subscribers: Vec<Weak<Customer>>, } impl Marketplace { fn new() -> Self { Marketplace { subscribers: Vec::new(), } } fn subscribe(&mut self, customer: Rc<Customer>) { self.subscribers.push(Rc::downgrade(&customer)); } fn notify_subscribers(&self, product: &str) { for subscriber in &self.subscribers { if let Some(customer) = subscriber.upgrade() { customer.notify(product); } } } } // Observer or Subscriber struct Customer { name: String, } impl Customer { fn new(name: &str) -> Self { Customer { name: name.to_string(), } } fn notify(&self, product: &str) { println!("Hey {}, the product {} is now available!",, product); } } fn main() { let mut marketplace = Marketplace::new(); let customer1 = Rc::new(Customer::new("John")); let customer2 = Rc::new(Customer::new("Alice")); marketplace.subscribe(customer1.clone()); marketplace.subscribe(customer2.clone()); marketplace.notify_subscribers("Phone"); // Output: // Hey John, the product Phone is now available! // Hey Alice, the product Phone is now available! }